The status bar at the bottom of FotoAlbum shows a lot of useful information. It displays properties of the current picture as well as information about the selected pictures. If anything is occurring in the background, it will also display the status of that task.
"<": This is used to collapse (hide) the album tree. The ">" is used to expand (show) the tree.
"H": This is used to change the display of the picture preview window. By clicking on this indicator, you can toggle between: "H" Hidden, "D" Docked or "W" Windowed.
Filename: This displays the filename of the picture. If there is enough room it will display the complete filename otherwise it will display as much as possible. It displays the filename using the long filename format.
Task Status: The left portion of the status bar displays any tasks that may be executing (and how far along the task is).
Filesize: This displays the size of the picture file.
Picture Info: This displays the dimensions (height x width) of the picture in pixels. It also displays the number of bits per pixel and the picture type. In the example shown above, the picture is 1191 pixels wide, 1756 pixels high. It has 24 bits/pixel and is a JPEG.
Picture Date (or File Date): If the picture has a date, then it displays the picture date. If the picture does not have a picture date, then it displays the file date with "(F)" after it. Note: When sorting by picture date, all pictures without picture dates appear first (sorted by file date).
Number of Pictures (& Selected count): The right hand side of the status bar shows the total number of pictures displayed and the number of selected pictures (if any).